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Losing Weight Naturally - Easy and Fast Tips That You Can Follow

Are you among those many people who are struggling to lose weight? According to a recent survey, there are millions of people across the world who are battling obesity to become fitter and healthier, but they are doing it in an unhealthy way. Losing weight in an unhealthy way has a lot of disadvantages, and that's the reason why medical experts and even fitness instructors do not suggest it. If you want to lose weight, doing it in a natural way is advisable; here are some tips you can follow that will make you burn fats and calories without risking your health:

Exercise Regularly

Exercising daily is definitely one of the best ways to lose weight. But always remember that you shouldn't engage yourself on strenuous exercises immediately, especially if you are still new to it. Your routine should slowly progress from easy to hard, and it should take you several months before changing your exercise routine to a harder one. Also, make sure to exercise daily for a couple of hours in order to burn fat and calories on your body.

Choose Healthy Food

Unhealthy foods (junk foods, canned goods, processed foods, etc.) are among the culprits for making people gain weight. That's why, you should always be selective when it comes to the foods you eat. Vegetables, fruits, a controlled amount of carbs, plus other essential vitamins to keep your body working properly (e.g. protein, zinc, iron, manganese) - all of these should be served on your plate daily, but in a controlled manner. By simply exercising and choosing healthy food, experts are already guaranteeing that you'll lose weight within 2 weeks.

Drink Healthy Beverages

Drinking detox juices and infused water is also another way for you to lose weight naturally. Aside from helping you become fitter and healthier, these healthy beverages help flush out harmful toxins in your body while keeping you hydrated all throughout the day. When detox juices and infused water were first introduced in the market, people had a hard time making them, but today, you can easily buy an infuser water bottle which allows you to mix fruits and herbs on your drink effortlessly. You can check out a lot of infused water recipes on health and fitness blogs on the Internet.

Cut the Sugar

Cutting your sugar intake is also another effective way for you to become fitter. Try to avoid eating chocolates, candies, sweet desserts, and carbonated beverages for 1 month, and you'll instantly see the result. Foods with a lot of sugar will not only make you gain excess pounds but it will also trigger you to have diabetes, so as early as now, just avoid them. And if it is quite hard for you to do this, you can always eat sweet foods but make sure to do it in moderation.
Start losing weight now naturally!

Make yourself fitter and fab without risking your health, lose weight naturally and live life to fullest

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5 Little Known Insane Push Up Exercises That Build You a Solid Core and Rock Hard Six Pack Abs

If you are trying to build six pack abs then including press ups in your workouts is a great move because they make your core stronger, strip away fat and help you to build six pack abs. Doing the same press ups though over and over won't do you much good; you need to challenge your body and muscles so that you ensure you keep moving forward and improving your physique. Below I'm going to reveal to you 5 awesome different types of press ups that you can start to include in your workouts starting today.

Punch push ups

Punch press ups are great and certainly not as easy as normal ones. The way these work is after you have done 1 push up you punch with one of your hands out in front. You then do another press up then repeat the other side, this is one rep. A great workout is to do these for a straight 2 minutes, they are difficult but will really give your body a challenge and will shake your workouts up.

E wok push ups

A strange name I know but don't let that fool you into thinking they may be easy. They are like normal ones except on every press up rep you have one hand out in front and one hand further back and you bounce slightly when you change. These are great for your core and will tighten up your mid section in no time.

Push up with claps

These are a bit more advanced but are great to do as they work your core, abs and upper body. Do as many as you can but make sure you keep a solid form and do good quality reps.

Cross elbow push ups

These are a building block towards doing 1 arm press ups. Instead of actually doing them with one hand when you go down your other forearm rests on the floor so it takes some of your weight and then you do a push up as normal. They are fairly tough if you do a good set of these so start including them in your workouts.

Crucifix push ups

I have saved these till last as there the most tough and challenging. When you go up into a push up you need to bring your arms back out to your sides so that your in the crucifix position. These are very difficult and should only be attempted if you have good upper body strength
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5 Delicious Quinoa Salad Dressing Recipes

One of the most familiar ways to eat Quinoa is in a salad. Most people find that they can make a batch of any Quinoa Salad and it will last in the fridge for two days. So when you go grazing in the kitchen, it is a great food item to have ready to eat. Since I made my first Quinoa salad in 2007 things have come on a long way. My how things have changed! Instead of getting strange looks from people I am having round for dinner, I now get a critique on how good my Quinoa salad dish is.

I admit that I am exaggerating here. But most people have eaten Quinoa now and know what it is. The next step is to persuade people to actually cook with Quinoa and try out some recipes of their own. The good thing is that Quinoa is very versatile in the kitchen and there is very little that can go wrong.

First Prepare Your Quinoa

Before you can make up your delicious salad you need to pre boil your Quinoa. You need to boil one cup of Quinoa up with 2 cups of water. But do not heart search about this too much. As long as it doesn't boil dry your Quinoa will absorb all the liquid over ten to twelve minutes. I prefer not to cook my Quinoa for longer than this as I like it to have a crunchy feel to my salad. If you cook Quinoa for too long then it can go a bit soft and mushy. Once your Quinoa is cooked and ready, put it to one side to cool down for an hour.

Prepare Your Salad Ingredients

You can put almost anything into a Quinoa salad but do not overdo it. Some people over complicate things and end up with too many tastes. I tend to limit myself to three or four ingredients in addition to the Quinoa itself. My favourites include peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, peas, sweetcorn, spring onion, kidney beans, lentils, haricot beans and chick peas. I also like to mix red and white Quinoa together as the salad base just because it makes it look so colourful and appetising. Chop up you chosen ingredients and mix them in with the Quinoa you have cooled. Once you have mixed everything together you can mix your Quinoa salad dressing and pour that over your dish.

5 Delicious Quinoa Salad Dressing Recipes

This is where the clever bit comes in. It is best to match the dressing ingredients with the Quinoa salad mix you have prepared. Having said that I find that Extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar goes with almost everything. All you do is add a few tablespoon of each ingredient to your salad and toss everything together. Make sure that all the salad is covered by the salad dressing. The second simple Quinoa salad dressing is freshly squeezed lemon juice and chopped basil leaves. I always have fresh basil growing in my kitchen as it is very versatile. I suggest you do the same. Squeeze two lemons and add up to fifteen chopped basil leaves to it. Then add to the salad as before.

The third Quinoa salad dressing is freshly squeezed lemons with grated ginger. This is very sharp and tangy and will liven up any salad mix you have prepared. The fourth Quinoa salad dressing is slightly different. This is a sweet dressing with pouring honey and freshly squeezed orange juice. The amounts depend on your taste buds. You can use these to sweeten up peppers that are not as sweet as they should be. You can also use it with fresh fruits for a dessert Quinoa salad. Most of the berry family will work with this dressing as well as grapes and chopped apples or pears. I tend to just mix up whatever I feel like at the time, but then I am a bit 'gung ho' like that. You need confidence to do that.

The final Quinoa Salad Dressing Recipe is slightly heavier and needs to be used with a bit more care. You need to roast some cumin seeds for two or three minutes and then add some chilli powder and freshly chopped garlic cloves.
Some people just add curry powder instead but I like to use the fresh herbs and spices. This dressing is ideal for legumes and vegetables. It makes a great contrast to the lighter ingredients you might be having on your plate.

The Five Salad Dressings Summarised

Extra Virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Basil leaves and lemon
Lemon and Ginger
Honey and Orange Juice
Chilli Powder, Cumin seeds and Garlic
Ken Jones is the Author of The Quinoa Cookbook []. He has for many years been a leading authority on how to cook quinoa. He also creates many of his own quinoa recipes which you can see at his quinoa blog

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A Fitness Partner Is A Great Motivation For Exercise And Fitness

In a quest for a healthier lifestyle, women know that fitness and exercise are important. Exercise can improve your health, increase your energy level, relieve stress, and help you to sleep better. A fit woman will remain stronger and more independent as she ages.

Sometimes the road to fitness is a difficult path when you are attempting to initiate and exercise program and eat healthier alone. Attempting to exercise daily, watching your nutrition, and making healthy lifestyle changes are often overshadowed by boredom or a too busy lifestyle. At one time or another, most women have had trouble starting or sticking with a fitness or exercise program.

Being a fit woman does not have to mean a solo journey. If you have ever had trouble initiating a fitness program or sticking with the exercise program you have started, a fitness partner may be the solution. A fitness partner is a powerful motivator. Being accountable to a fitness partner can help you start a new exercise program or stick with the exercise program over time as you continue on your road to fitness.

The right fitness partner can motivate you to achieve your fitness goals. Your fitness partner should be positive and supportive as she encourages and supports you. In choosing a fitness partner, look for someone whose fitness level is close to yours. As you become fit together, you can progress at a similar pace, and encourage each other to climb to new levels of fitness. Having similar fitness goals will allow you and your fitness partner to share triumphs and encourage you to accomplish individual fitness goals.

Keep lines of communication open with your fitness partner. A good fitness partner is honest and sensitive. Cheer each other on in your fitness successes and avoid being critical.

In addition to a fitness partner, the right fitness program is also important to achieve health. Sisters in Sneakers provides a complete home fitness program and exercise program designed especially for the fitness needs of women. Sisters in Sneakers includes color coded exercise cards for flexibility, strengthening, and cardiovascular exercises so you can vary your exercise routine day to day. Since exercise alone is not enough for a healthy lifestyle, Sisters in Sneakers includes nutritional information including fat and calorie awareness to get your eating on the right track. Motivation is important for fitness, and Sisters in Sneakers includes inspirations and nutrition tips as well. An exercise band is a great tool for resistance exercise and is also a part of the Sisters in Sneakers complete fitness program.

Look no further for your new fitness partner. Sisters in Sneakers will connect you with a fitness partner just for asking. You and your new Sisters in Sneakers fitness partner can motivate each other on the way to fitness and health, as you work out in the privacy of your own home.

It is time to get serious about starting to exercise and becoming involved in a fitness program. Your health is important. You do not need to be an athlete to be fit. The first step is the hardest.
For information on the new Sisters in Sneakers home fitness program for women and the connection to your fitness partner, visit:


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How To Increase Your Motivation To Achieve Your Goals

How badly do you want your goals and objectives? How motivated are you to be persistent in going after your goals and objectives until they are achieved? How much you want your goals and objectives determines the strength of your motivation. It is that strength that will steadfastly pursue your goals irrespective of any challenges, setbacks, oppositions or confrontations.

I recall a friend who set himself a goal that he felt extremely excited about. He talked for days on end about that goal; what it meant to him and how he really wanted to achieve it within six months at the most. A couple of months later, my friend Bill, took me aside. I could see he was feeling miserable and despondent. He went on to tell me how disappointed he was that his goal had not materialized.
"Goal? What Goal?" was my honest answer. It was not what Bill wanted to hear.
"You know, my goal to get a toned body," Bill answered, with a sense of defeat and frustration in his voice.

"Oh that. I thought you were kidding. We all figured you changed your mind since we don't see you going to the gym any more," I replied.
What happened here?

In the beginning, Bill was excited about his new goal of getting a firm and toned body; a sculptured chest, arms and thighs. He was full of motivation and determination to achieve that goal. He consistently went to the gym four to five days a week. He took his protein shakes, his Creatine and chatted non-stop about his training schedule and how pleased he was with his progress.
By the third month, he started to go to the gym twice a week and mid-way through that month it trickled to once a week. His dilemma was he couldn't understand why his motivation to workout had dwindled to once a week half-way through the third month.

"At the beginning, I was so full of enthusiasm and motivation. I felt nothing could stop me," he explained.

So what went wrong? Where did his incredible motivation go?
After careful examination, it came to light that Bill had lost his initial burst of motivation because he was not really passionate about being toned. It was merely a passing 'wish'. In other words, he did not want to be toned badly enough. If he did, if he felt passionate, he would have continued his workout routine no matter what challenges or distractions he faced.

Bill was torn between two thoughts. The first said, "Yeah I'd like to have a toned body." But his conflicting second thought argued, "Sure, but you could get along in life without it."

And who won? His conflicting thought had the upper hand. You see, Bill would have 'liked' the toned body, but he did not turn that want into a solid goal. The toned body idea remained just that, an idea or a wish. As such, his once powerful motivation had weakened until it was there no more.

If he had turned it into a goal, or an objective, he would have sought after it. He would have been motivated to pursue that goal irrespective of how tired or how busy he was. After all, it was his goal, his objective. And goals are meant to be achieved.

Passion ignites the drive from deep within to maintain the motivation to reach all sorts of goals and dreams. Passion provides the fuel to keep you in a highly motivated state of mind. Once you find out what you are passionate about, boost your motivation to remain persistent regardless of any setbacks and obstacles.

In time, your motivation will increase in momentum regardless of any distractions or interruptions.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how you can fulfil all of your goals and objectives and live life your way? If you do, I suggest you check this out: Live Life []
When you boost your motivation a few degrees, you can literally turn your life around. To find out How to Boost Your Motivation and Build Self Confidence, visit: []

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